Get Google Adsense Approval with 16 Articles (Expert Advise)

GalaxyTechTips Team
5 Min Read

I applied to monetization for my new website with Google Adsense. After some days I got an email, “Good News! your website is now ready to show Adsense ads”. Can you imagine, i got Google Adsense Approval for my new website with just 16 articles. Yes, it's only 16 and 100% true. If you'll follow my free guide then definitely get your website approved with adsense.

Adsense Approved Website

How i get Google Adsense Approval

Are you thinking how i got Google Adsense Approval for my new website with few articles. Below is my email screenshot who got from Adsense. Okey, I'll tell my Dark Secret to you for free.

Adsense Approved Website Email Screenshot

Adsense is always first choice for every blogger and sometimes it difficult to get approval for a website. Adsense has it's strict terms and policies and every blogger or publisher have to follow these rules.

I wrote only 14 articles on my website and applied for Adsense. After that i wrote 2 more article, and it's now 14+2=16 in my website.

Adsense also has a minimal and thin content policy that means your website doesn't have enough content or it's not valuable for users. My website passed this policy also but question is how.

Answer is valuable content. Ofcourse i wrote only 16 articles but all these articles were unique and valuable for users. I didn't copy single line of others and wrote from my mind. Also 10 articles were longest with over 2000 words and in 6 articles over 600 words.

So, if really want approval from Adsense then you have to follow their policies. We advise you to keep your content or blogs original who add value in reader's life. Don't think about copy other's content.

Google Adsense Approval Time

According to Google it usually takes a few days but in some cases it can take upto 2 weeks. And our experience says it usually takes 7 to 12 days for approving or rejecting a website.

Adsense Approval Trick

Many new Bloggers want Adsense Approval Trick. But we would like to tell you in strict words, there is no trick available for getting approval from Adsense network. You can get approval from any networks not only adsense with only your hard work.

Fun Fact : I saw many videos on youtube who tell us about copy-paste content and become rich quickly. Really? Here is doesn't exist any idea in this world who will make you rich without hard work. So if you really want to succeed in your life you have to work hard.

You can also read alternative reviews on our site.


how much traffic required for adsense approval?

Well, there is no criteria provided by Google Adsense but according to our experience and experts upto 100 to 200 daily visitors should be come on your website.

how to get adsense approval?

To getting approval from Adsense you should create or write your own content. Content with hateful and harmful, Hacking, Illegal, promoting weapon, sexual or harassment,etc not acceptable. Don't copy other's content, except when it's need for adding value in your content for example providing news.

how to get adsense approval for blogger?

You can get approval from adsense for blogger with making unique or original, valuable content on your website. Please avoid making content about sexual or harassment, promoting weapon, Hacking, Illegal, Spam or Copied content etc.

What are Google AdSense approval requirements?

To getting approval from Google you should write or create your own content. Content with hateful and harmful, Illegal, promoting weapon, Hacking, sexual or harassment,etc not acceptable. Don't copy other's content, except when it's need for adding value in your content for example providing news. Also bot traffic not allowed, only organic traffic is acceptable for example search, Social Media etc.

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